Thursday, April 2, 2015

Helpful or helpless?

Theese days I had a problem: one of my neighbours has been moved. I can't understand : why? I can't imagine my future near the block without her. I cried so much for her, I'm still trying accustom with this. It's hard, but I'm still keeping my hopes high. A friend told me that all the problems as this one shape our souls, our hearts, our behaviour. If we haven't problems, we will be the same after 10 years, 20 years, 30 years... Yes, I know, it's hard to think about it when you can't even accept your situation! :) But if you think more about it....this "theory" is so deep. I enjoy thinking some when I will  smile again , I will be happy more than last years! ❤❤❤



  1. I am sorry to hear that the move of your neighbor had deeply affected you, please take care and stay happy!

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  3. maria,eveything u r going through will make u a better person,teach u good lessons,make u glad to have a few broken hearts,misunderstandings bcoz we are only is so simple.dont think it is complicated.u can still talk to her on the phone or some social netwroking site,right! cheer up girlie!

    1. You're right... Thank you for the courage you gave to me!


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